

Please take the time to view our services listed below. It will give you insights about the information and aspects for a project like building a new home, adding an addition to an existing building or home just to mention a few.

If you have any questions please review our educational resources on our “Home” page; which you will be able to pick & choose helpful information towards understanding the process of design for a project you may be planning. If there is something that you need clarification, don’t hesitate to “ASK THE ARCHITECT” for a 30-minute FREE Project Clarity Call.

NOTE: Additional Educational FREE offers may be found on our “Library” page.

BaP Architectural Services

BaP Architectural Services is a full service Architectural/Engineering Firm with offices in Apalachin and Cape Vincent, New York. The senior Architect, Bernard Perkosky, RA, is licensed in New York State and is a Residential and Light Commercial Specialist devoted to providing Basic and/or full Architectural Design and Engineering services to clients. We are Licensed Professionals and have been providing Design Services throughout New York State since 1966. It has been our pleasure to extend our services over the years to individuals, contractors, and corporate businesses and more, in order to program, design and administrate all types of Custom Residential Homes, Additions and Remodeling, and other buildings such as Garages, Barns, Storage Sheds, and much more.

In turn it has also been our pleasure to work with many corporations, businesses and organizations to provide the same services, and design such buildings as Multi-Family Residential Buildings, Supermarkets, Medical facilities, Banks, Professional Offices, Automobile Showrooms, Service Garages, Golf Course Club Houses, Town Halls, Recreational Facilities, Restaurants, Service and Convenience Stores, Retail Shops, Mall Stores, renovations and fit-ups, Hotels, Burial Vaults, Environmentally Friendly Car Wash, land development and just recently an addition to the Smithville Fire Station in Smithville NY, Jefferson County and much more. If you are contemplating an Addition, or a new Remodel, or even a new Home or Building of any type, please check out our FREE Educational and additional Resources (presenting Guides and Tools) to understand the process for designing and where to start, and then help to bring your dream Project to a rewarding conclusion. We thank you for your interest.

The information below contains the written documentation of the video on our home page. If you have not seen the video, feel free to watch and enjoy, or browse the details below.


Research & Analysis (NOR) | This article will help you avoid the #1 most costly mistake people make when doing a building project.

Have you ever heard the term ‘On time and on budget’?

If not this concept is an important one. On time and on budget is a term used in all big projects – from construction to IT to building roads all projects are trying to meet their target. The term refers to completing a project within the planned time frame and within the planned budget. Many times this does not happen, and for your project this is bad news. There are many reasons projects might not come in ‘on time and on budget’ but by far the #1 reason is lack of planning in the early phases.

Here is the thing…at some point during your project, being a new home, addition or remodel, you are going to discover a way to make your project better. Now, this is a given. It always happens. It could be a design change. It could be a window or door in a better place. It could be the layout of a room. It might be a design that saves you money or dramatically improves the livability of the spaces. But sooner or later, you’re going to want to make a change. When short cuts are taken early on and people RUSH into the design phase, then people do not discover all the options they had (or what they really wanted) until the concrete has already been poured. Without getting a full Needs and Options Review conducted before the builder gets on site homeowners regularly short change their design.


Late discovery of your real needs or options leaves you crying…“If only I had known.” That is why we created the Needs and Options Review. There are six phases during a project when changes can be made.


No. 1

Needs and Options Review (NOR)


No. 2

Consultation to acquire Scope, wants and needs

No. 3

Conceptual Schematic Design

No. 4

Building Documentation

No. 5

Bidding and Negotiation

No. 6

Construction phase

Now, if you discover better options early on, then you can make the changes effortlessly. Make your discoveries late, and you pay exponentially more – or worse, live in a house where you settled for a lesser option.

Here is an indication of how costs change the later you make changes.

Take a look at the following schedule. Project time starts at the top, with Needs and Options Review. As project time progresses, the opportunity to make changes decrease and costs rise. This is common sense – it is a lot easier to change the location of a concrete footing BEFORE it has been placed in the ground.

Needs and Options Review™


Consultation For Scope


Concept Design


Building Documentation


Bidding and Negotiation





A picture tells a thousand words. With a Needs and Options Review you will never have to utter those tragic words …”If only I had known”

As Abraham Lincoln said, “If I had nine hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six sharpening my ax”. Old Abe Lincoln understood that proper preparation early on can save a lot of time and effort in the long run. Or put into common, modern terms, “Measure twice and cut once”. When we review this schedule, you can see that at the beginning of a project, the opportunity for change is greatest, and the cost to make changes is least. It is at this point in the process that we want to thoroughly explore all of your options. This is why a proper Needs and Options Review saves time and money.

You may be asking, “Do I need a Needs and Options Review?” Well, here’s a quick test to find out. Take out a pen and paper and give yourself a score from a scale of zero, not at all, to 10, completely for each of the following questions.

1. Out of ten how clear are you on exactly what you need? 2. Out of ten how aware are you of all the various options your site will accommodate? 3. Out of ten how confident are you that you are aware of all the legal requirements? 4. Out of ten how aware are you of the process you will need to have in place to get the project completed on time and on budget? 5. Out of ten how confident are you that your budget will achieve your needs? 6. What is your Score?
1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Add Up Your Score

Go ahead and tally up your score, and don’t worry about not being able to answer these questions yet. The Needs and Options review will allow us to fill in the gaps and get you ready to move to the design phase.


The first step you will need to complete is the Needs and Options meeting discussed below. We designed this process a few years ago because we saw a huge issue in the construction industry of people starting design and construction BEFORE they had fully done their research and homework. We would see many building projects going over time and over budget. The consequence of inadequate upfront research of needs and options is like building a house on bad foundations. The foundations are the most important part of the whole house because everything is built on top. It’s very expensive to change the foundations once you have started to build on top of them. But it’s very easy to change them if they are simply lines on a plan or a drawing.

This is what makes us different, we spend more time on the research than most other firms who rush their clients into the design phase. We take a different approach. In fact, we will only work with clients who are prepared to do the Needs and Options review properly. We will not rush this step. It only causes cost over runs later if we take short cuts and don’t establish solid foundations. The Needs and Options review is the most important step because it lays the foundation for a successful project. Once complete the valuable insights you gain from this first phase can be used by us or any other architect and will ultimately produce a better result for you.

Here’s an anticipated question:

Can I save money by not paying for a Needs and Options Review? Sure, you could skip this step or meet with someone who gives you a few ideas for free before rushing you into the design phase. Now you are back to where you started before which is still wandering around trying to figure out what’s next?


Not investing the time for a full Needs and Options Review in depth, can be the most expensive decision you make during your project. The most cost-effective time to discover ALL your options is NOW.

If you would like further insight as to the Needs and Options Review, please visit our Educational Resources on the front web page and “download” our FREE Instructional Video and then sign up to book a Project Clarity Call with Bernie directly.

Someone will contact you generally in a 3-day window to discuss times you have scheduled for a suitable time to meet.

We want to thank you for watching the brief training video, ahead a time.


Site Evaluation & Development

It is our job to visit a site and consider the most economical, geographic orientation, useful solar and sustainability of the property and environmentally friendly use of that site.

If necessary and prior to construction or contract documents that may be produced, our firm may be requested to complete a study to outline what may be the best use of the property based on zoning and planning requirements for the site. (Unable to provide with Basic Construction Drawings.)

Questions may arise upon a particular piece of property and its Site feasibility:

Question No. 1

The property is sloped, what and where shall we construct our home or building?


Question No. 2

Are there easements on the property that may extinguish our dream?


Question No. 3

What utilities are available or what may be needed?


Question No. 4

How much planned space (footprint) is needed to place a building on this parcel?


Question No. 5

How many stories may we build on this property?


Question No. 6

What are the soil conditions?


Question No. 7

What are the architectural characteristics of the neighboring properties?


Question No. 7

Are there particular architectural features in the area that spark your interests?


Question No. 8

What Occupancies are acceptable and may be developed on this site?


Question No. 9

Will it be necessary to bring in backfill materials from other sites?


Question No. 10

Will dumping unwanted materials have to be moved greater distances?


Question No. 11

Can we have a walkout basement?


Question No. 12

How can I make the home or building Handicap Accessible?


Question No. 13

What is the Zoning requirements for this parcel and what District is it in?


Question No. 13

What other Municipal or State Codes apply to this project?


Question No. 14

What is the building footprint percentage acceptable on this site?


Question No. 15

What is the buildable area for the site?


Question No. 16

What Parking requirements are necessary for this parcel?


Question No. 17

Has a flood occurred, and the site is now in a flood zone?


Question No. 18

Is the Parcel in a Flood Zone? If so, what are its requirements?


Question No. 19

Will there be Storm Water Management concerns and designs required?


Question No. 20

How may the traffic on the site flow the best and give us the most building for your dollars?


Question No. 21

Can I build closer to the road or side-yards?

Site Evaluation & Development CSS

It is our pleasure to investigate and visit the site to consider your questions and to present findings that may reflect the most economical, environmentally friendly, geographically useful and sustainable use of the property.

Site Evaluation & Development (Continued)

It is our pleasure to investigate and visit the site to consider your questions and to present findings that may reflect the most economical, environmentally friendly, geographically useful and sustainable use of the property.

In regard to the most economical; it may be necessary to analyze the quantity of cut and fill in order to cut costs for outside fill operations and materials. Other items may arise that can help cut site costs with a thorough investigation of the sites potential.

The environment and its protection is a top priority when it comes to sustainability and green architecture amongst projects today. However, it has been a top priority for BaP over our firm’s longevity. We strive to reuse materials and minimize the cutting of unnecessary trees and maintain the environment around us which only reflects one goal, but we push the limits to find many others.

We strive to place structures to enhance the geographic features of a site and to maintain its sustainable use along with minimizing its surroundings.

Our first task set before us will be to acquire a Municipal Zoning Ordinance and to make contact with the Code Enforcement Offices and key persons that the Project will be reviewed by and the Municipality it will be constructed in. This allows our firm to analyze the information to start the Design Process for the Site.

Once a site plan and its pertinent detail sheets have been developed, it is time to sit and evaluate the costs for its final development. We shall investigate and quantify materials and labor involved to develop the site and its amenities as reflected on the documents presented.

This task will require many discussions with Excavators, Landscapers, General Contractors, Electricians and many more that will be involved with the site’s development.

Maintaining a Probable Site Cost analysis will require constant updating and phone calls throughout the projects design and its completion of the contract documents or construction drawings.

In order to answer pertinent questions, it is necessary to present contract or construction documents for Site Development. These documents consist of presenting a Site Plan with many pertinent Details and other sheets to reflect Storm Water Management, landscaping and Utility connections as necessary. When these drawings are complete, they will be designed to reflect the best use of the property based on Zoning and Planning requirements for the Site.

Structural Planning Review and Reports

When persons visit a municipality to ask what they need to do to get a beam designed or they have a sag in their floor looked at to find out what needs to be done, many municipalities refer them to one of their short-listed Architects or Engineers. It has been our pleasure to assist them in this task. We may size a new beam if necessary or in the case of a sagging floor, the beam may not be the problem.

In most cases we investigate the problem and present a reasonable solution that will be the most economical and/or consider whom will make the repairs and present a simpler means of construction or both. We design major Structural systems and foundations for our designed Residential projects and evaluate different structural systems and foundations for those designs or furnish complete report of our findings if requested, or if a budget is necessary.

Mechanical/Electrical Planning and Review
Residential and Commercial/Industrial Project

Our firm is a Full Service Architectural/Engineering firm and we acquire sub-consultants to perform the necessary Mechanical/Electrical Design and Engineering for our projects when necessary. We coordinate and provide complete communication with each of them throughout the course of a project.

During design, we may be hired to outline a mechanical/electrical consideration for one’s project and/or review different systems for economic reasons. We perform Schematic layouts for utilities when requested on basic residential designs or full development of MEP design and drawings for Bid Projects.


Architectural Services

Residential Design & Planning

We are a Full Service Architectural/Engineering Firm and highly experienced (57 years) in residential Projects such as:

Two-Family Dwellings
Accessory Buildings
Multi-Family Dwellings
Mother-in-Law Units
Residential Fire Damage and Restoration
Single Family Renovations, Remodeling and Additions
Single Family Homes
    • Conventional Framed
    • Luxury Homes
    • Underground
    • Timber Frame
    • Geodesic Dome
    • A-Frame
    • Sustainable/Green
    • Structural Insulated Panels
    • Panelized Systems (Kit)
    • Post and Beam
    • Log Homes
    • Passive Solar
    • Super Insulated
    • Concrete Insulated Block (ICF)
    • Concrete
    • Modular
    • Unilam
Building Design & Planning (Light Commercial)

We are a Full Service Architectural/Engineering Firm and highly experienced (57 years) in residential Projects such as:

Light Commercial Buildings

Retail Shops

Grocery Stores

Warehouses and Storage Facilities

Parking Garages

Car Washes

Restaurants and Convenience Stores

Medical Offices

Fire Stations

Industrial Buildings

Shopping Malls


Mixed Use Occupancies

Auto/Truck Dealerships

Clergy Facilities

Service Stations

And much more

Site Evaluation & Development CSS

It is our pleasure to investigate and visit the site to consider your questions and to present findings that may reflect the most economical, environmentally friendly, geographically useful and sustainable use of the property.

As Built Plans

At times, we have clients that are unaware of possessing any existing floor plans or exterior elevation drawings of their present home or building. These are what is known in the Industry as “As Builts”.

In order to have a base plan to start your design for a new home or remodel, it is a must to acquire field dimensions, photograph and develop a useful set of scaled drawings that reflect the AS BUILT conditions of the home or building area that may be remodeled or added onto for our clients. These will be useful for appraisal services, acquiring bank loans, discussing future remodeling to the structure or just general use by the owners to cut out scaled furniture and move around without actually moving the furniture. We would use the existing drawings if available for reference to dimension the home and then verify its final dimensions.

This service is inclusive of each remodel project for the importance of having a solid base to start a design from. Every building needs a set of Basic As Built drawings with proper and accurate dimensions, photographs and to develop work from, in order to be sure that the project you have in mind is feasible to be done and meets your expectations.

Preliminary Building Design & Studies

This is useful if you may just be looking for fresh ideas. For instance, you may have been pondering a thought for a couple years and just wasn’t sure if it would fit your needs or desires or if it would work. In a very short period of time (sometimes hours) we can take that thought and present it in schematic form or even take that previous thought and revise its thinking to come up with a solution that could at least save you our fees; and make the previous thought a reality that REALLY works and works functionally and cosmetically with a least amount of up-front cash.

We can develop several concepts (2-3) in a very short period of time that considers your programming requirements and shall be discussed to its fullest. All one has to do is keep asking questions.

Our studies and with our CAD program we will present an opportunity for you to physically walk through your new concept, be it a new home, commercial facility or Additions thereto.

Bidding Coordination & Probable Cost Estimating of Project

During the design of a Project we ask for and generally are presented with a Budget by the client. This budget needs further discussion in regards to pricing in the present times and demographics of the area.

Once a preliminary design is established and approved, if asked by the client for residential work under basic services, (commercial work – it is standard to do) we shall develop a probable cost estimate and maintain it throughout the design to be sure we stay within one’s budget and as close as possible for an additional fee. This process may require input from several sources as the project moves forward.

Costs developed are only estimated probable costs and do not reflect actual pricing of the project until Bids are taken in and awarded. NOTE: We are Architects not Contractors.

Project Administration & Field Observation (Construction Administration)

This service may only be a part of a Full Design and Documents contract with our clients. It will not be offered with a basic construction drawing set of plans and generic specifications.

It is a service contracted for one of our representatives to be on site when necessary to observe and document the progress of the project during the construction and to be sure that the contractor is constructing it in accordance to the full Contract Documents. Call our office for further details of this service.

Some projects require a construction manager to oversee the construction and control monies on the Project. At times a representative is required to be on site each day of the construction in order to keep accurate records of the projects progress, keep track of personnel, visitors, and subcontractors, maintain daily logs, keep change order records, review project construction schedule, review and scrutinize Payment requests, perform job progress meetings and much more.

The construction manager generally works for the owner and is his eyes on a project.

Plan & Code Review
We will review the Municipal and State Building Codes and Ordinances and research the parameters of the project early in the Preliminary design process. This is a major basis for what can be designed and how it is to be presented so the owners may acquire a building permit. The Building Codes are minimal standards constantly revised and established by Industry Professionals in the Construction field in a systematic manner for easy reference. They emphasize all aspects of building construction;

Energy Requirements

Fire Safety

Minimal Structural, Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Requirements

In general, they apply to all buildings (IBC) and residential structures (IRC). The Municipal Ordinances determine Land Use requirements, setbacks, drainage, parking, accessory building requirements, fire access, site development requirements and much more. This information is a must for review to eliminate concerns and possible factors about a site for building construction in specific areas.
Interior Design and Drawings
This service is performed by Sub-consultants with well-established Professional Interior Design Firms in which we coordinate with them and our clients on an individual basis as per project requirements and needs.
Site Evaluation & Development CSS

It is our pleasure to investigate and visit the site to consider your questions and to present findings that may reflect the most economical, environmentally friendly, geographically useful and sustainable use of the property.

Related Services
Grading/Drainage Design & Plans

Storm Water Management for site specific projects and the necessary contract drawings for such is a high priority amongst our Communities and Municipalities today. These are high points established in the green movement and in a site’s sustainability in its Community. Existing and new finished grades for the new construction is researched and calculations for runoff along with its reclamation and usage is established to meet certain minimums set by the Municipality. Generally, a means of site holding water collection prior to immediate flow into municipal storm drains is a must.

Plans are developed that meet Municipal minimum standards and details are completed to clarify necessary calculations and be sure the final system performs to its potential. We work with trained storm water management (SWM) professionals to complete this work to it’s fullest and acceptable end.

Mechanical Electrical Drawings

When a Full-Service Contract has been signed, mechanical/electrical/plumbing (MEP) drawings and there Details shall be coordinated in house with a well experienced, trusted and established Professional Engineer by our firm. Design and Drawings are presented and reviewed with our clients and coordinated with BaP.

Drawings are complete and fully specified in accordance with the contracted Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) Engineer.

Building Consultant and Counseling Services

It has been our pleasure to be a Professional Building Construction Designer and Consultant since 1966. I am always on call (just a phone call away) to answer nearly any question that may pertain to a building or site construction. At times, it may be necessary to see a photo or visit the site, but in most cases, they can be answered on the phone. There are times that one may need a written report in order to deliver to a Town official and we have provided this service many times in our firm’s career.

This service is completed at our professional hourly rate and based on pertinent information to acquire a quote.

CAD Design and Drawings

In the past thirteen (13) years we have completed our projects on Chief Architect, Inc. CAD System Versions 6, 10, X1- X11 and in 2020 we shall update to another new Version X12. We are able to convert DWG and DXF files back and forth with other CAD programs, such as AUTOCAD and also work with Sketch Up, Version 8. We presently use a 2013 Model iPF650 Canon Image ProGraf Color Plotter. Also in use is a Cannon MX922 all-in-one Printer/Scanner. Many of our projects have and are placed on PDF format and sent by email if a client can accept this form of communication.

We are versed in Quick-books Pro, Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Acrobat Reader DC, ResCheck, StrucCalc 10.0, Vitruvius Project and have a presence on Angie’s List, Facebook and LinkedIn.

CAD Modeling

During and/or after projects are complete you may ask for a digital Model of the project or provide a Walk-through video of a finished Design; or maybe even to present a new design before completing any drawings too. Our 3D/2D System CAD program is highly capable of performing this task with a high quality of appearance and photo capability.

Our system is capable to present glass and framing models, and much more.

Furniture Design

We have designed built in furniture and/or individual pieces such as Coffee tables, craftsman style beds and custom Cabinets. Many times, it is part of the detailing and the finished design of a new full-service project.

Please refer to our Library/Links page to view several quality and trusted professionals we have had a pleasure to meet and work with in the past. Please visit them if you are looking for something specific or have questions.

Ancillary Services
Architectural Preservation

At times, we have the opportunity to dive into an old historical, architecturally designed, and wonderful piece of history. It is with great pride that we get involved with such a project to preserve its structural, cosmetic and historic presence in our communities.

Sustainable & Green Architecture

For many years we have been promoting Green Architecture and Sustainable Designs through the careful programming of our client’s wants and needs. The environment is ours as a nation and world caretakers to preserve and as Architects, it’s our job to enforce and promote its capabilities and find new ways to present our findings.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is the creation of visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for applications such as fliers, advertisements, brochures, magazines, and reports.

Stained Glass Artisan

My wife and with some help from myself have been designing, restoring and completing custom stained-glass projects for highly detailed window panels, lamps and large church windows and restorations, along with much more; for more than 40 years.

Please visit for more information, or visit her on Facebook: GlassCreationsByCarole.